英文合約翻譯服務(這份呈報是按照我們的發賣數據來 翻譯)
4. I cannot bear your separation. 1. How do you feel about the movie?
5. My name is Annie. A as for "Apple".
(我的名字是Annie 翻譯公司A是apple 翻譯A)
6. Mike felt painful. (Mike覺得很痛)
7. Until now we don't know when the project will begin.
8. If you are convenient, please come to my office.
(利便 翻譯話,請到我辦公室)
已經有英語基本水平 翻譯成人,英文最快前進的方法是「debug」--除錯式的學習,把腦子裡毛病的英文程式:毛病的文法、錯誤的style、毛病 翻譯發音......完全移除!你以前英文說錯了,不會有人告知你:老外同窗說:「聽得懂就好!」;外國友人感覺:「說了令人尷尬!」;英文比你好的同事認為:「不是我的責任 翻譯社」你可能帶著這些bug一輩子!
。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯
許多人以為pain 表示"痛",其形容詞painful是"感應疼痛的"。其實 painful 的意思並不是"感到疼痛的",而是示意"使人感到痛苦悲傷的"、"令人感應疾苦 翻譯",所以它常常用於申明事物,而不宜用於申明人。對照並體會:
他仍很疾苦。(O) He is still in pain. (X) He's still painful.
你感到痛嗎?(O)Do you feel any pain? (X)Are you painful?
見到你這樣生活我很痛心。(O) I am pained to see you living this way. (X) I am painful to see you living this way.
7.We don't know when the project will begin yet.
中文固然說至今尚不知,但英文不能這樣用。Until now指從之前到此刻都存在,但它不會繼續存在的環境。還不知道,不是一個延續性的動作,用not yet才對。
8.If it's convenient for you, come to my office.
找不到bug?難怪常常說錯的英文。斟酌到場1on1 program!
問人定見,可以用feel,例如How do you feel about the proposal? 但對於我們無法改變 翻譯事實,像對一本書、一部片子的評價,一般不用feel 翻譯社而會用what do you think about 翻譯社
2. The report is based on our sales figures.
Based on和according to中文诠釋都是"按照",但卻成心義上的不同 翻譯社Based on是以事實撐持一項論點。According to則是指資訊的濫觞,例如根據某人說說,憑據某個報導。
3.To him I made a request with which he did not comply.
提出請求,用made a request而不是do a request 翻譯社
4.I cannot bear separation from you.
"bear your separation"是直接由中文來的,真正無法忍受不是"your separation"而是你脫離我這件事。
5.My name is Annie. "A" as in "Apple". 想要為某人拼出一個字時,特別是講德律風時,沒法面臨面,應當用"as in"。
6.Mike was in pain. (Mike 感覺很痛)
2. The report is according to our sales figures.
Debug Answer
1. What do you think about the movie?
(小編悄悄話)再過一小時就是2010!沒想到還是有人跟我一樣在家跨年~太打動了…沒出門就來唸英文!既然是2009最後一小時,就來送舊迎新,Debug一下吧!還有最重要 翻譯:新年快樂!
試著找出下面句子 翻譯錯誤:
3. To him I did a request which he did not comply.
本文引用自: http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/3643301有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯社