主詞: she, 動詞: loves
找出句子的主要主詞和首要動詞是學英文的根基功力,您碰運氣,星期六發佈相幹文法。可以參考我 翻譯"後置形容詞",有助於領會找到真正的主詞 翻譯社
這是簡單句,國二 翻譯學生應當可以應付,水平較差的學生或進修不專心址,輕易誤以為凡是出現在最前面的字就是主詞,假如把all her children視為主詞,則動詞就會用複數型 love。
1. 1 | 2. 4 | 3. 1 | 4. 2 | 5. 1 |
6. 2 | 7. 2 | 8. 1 | 9. 1 | 10. 2 |
11. 1 | 12. 2 | 13. 1 | 14. 1 | 15. 2 , 16. 2 |
援用文章《黃玟君 翻譯觀念英文浏覽》五波贈書運動 7/13熱烈登場!
Of all her children 翻譯公司 she loves Linda the most.
例如黃博士的問題,知道she是主詞,動詞 love 就必需合營 she 的非凡屬性(單數第三人稱),加上單數字尾-s,才能相符動詞和主詞之間的對應關係的文法。
1. One of the boys ______ finished the homework already.
(1. has 2. have)
2. One of the boys who ____ finished the homework ____ happy.
(1. has 翻譯公司 is 2. have, are 3. has, are 4. have 翻譯公司 is)
3. All of the money _______ saved in bank last week.
(1. was 2. were)
4. All of the magazines _______ issued weekly.
(1. is 2. are)
5. This pair of pants _______ to me.
(1. belongs 2. belong)
6. The pants ________ to me.
(1. belongs 2. belong)
7. A number of students _________ coming to the reunion.
(1. is 2. are)
8. The number of studnts _________ quite large.
(1. is 2. are)
9. Ten years ______ passed since we last met each other.
(1. has 2. have)
10. Reading good books _________ people wiser.
(1. make 2. makes)
11. Reading habits _________ important for students.
(1. are 2. is)
12. When he got in, I was sleeping, ____________?
(1. didn't he 2. wasn't I)
13. He was late because he didn't cactch the bus, __________?
(1. wasn't he 2. did he)
14. The man in blue pants ________ gorgeous.
(1. looks 2. look)
15. The pens on the desk __________ useful.
(1. is 2. are)
16. The teacher standing next to the foreigners ________ humorous.
(1. 1. are 2. is)
找出主詞和動詞,也是我教學上經常練習學生 翻譯流動,每上一個單位,我都邑回到這個主題來要肄業生找出主詞和動詞,惟有如斯,孩子們才不至於胡亂利用動詞,因為主詞的單複數,也影響動詞的單複數 翻譯社
引用自: http://blog.udn.com/chengshuing/3158951有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯社