A. What do you think your strengths as a worker are ? 身為員工,你認為你的長處是什麼?
B. Well 翻譯公司 I'm a very hard worker and a team player . 嗯,我是一個很勤奮 翻譯員工 翻譯公司並且可以或許團體合作.
* Do you have good communication skills ? 你善于外交嗎?
A. How about your weaknesses ? 你 翻譯缺點是什麼呢?
B. One of my weaknesses is that although I want to be a sensitive manager, I sometimes lose my temper . 固然我想當一個敏感仔細的主管,但有時候照舊會節制不了本身的脾性 翻譯公司這是我的弱點之一.
* Do you like to make friends ? 你喜好交友同夥嗎?
* Do you like to try new things ? 你喜歡測驗考試新事務嗎?
~ 相關問句 ~
* I have the courage to take a challenge . 我勇於接管挑戰.
A. Sorry if I'm a little quiet , but I'm a bit shy . 若是我話說得少,很抱愧,因為我有點內向.
B. No problem . Sometimes people say I'm too talkative . 沒問題(你定心).有時辰人們還嫌我話太多了.
* I am not good with social activities . 我不善于交際.
* I have a sense of justice . 我很有公理感.
* I like to make friends . 我喜好交朋友.
。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯
~ 根基對話 ~
* I am humorous and funny . 我诙諧愛搞笑.
* Are you always optimistic ? 你一向這麼樂觀嗎?
* I like to try on new things . 我喜好測驗考試新事務.
A. How do you approach your work ? 你如何處置你的工作?
B. I'm usually a very organized worker . I often spend a lot of time planning things . 我是個異常有組織 翻譯工作者.我常常花良多時候在做計畫.
A. What do you think is the most important personality for a spouse to have ? 你認為配頭必須具備最主要的性情是什麼?
B. Well, I believe that honesty is really important , but I also want to find someone with a sense of humor . 喔,我認為誠實真的很重要,不外我也進展能找到一個有幽默感 翻譯人.
A. What's most important to you ? 對你而言 翻譯公司什麼最主要?
B. My family is more important than my job . 我的家人比工作還重要.
* I am naturally optimistic . 我本性(生)樂觀.
* He's very serious about his work . 他工作的立場十分認真.
* Most people say that I'm kind of shy . 大多數的人說我有點內向.
* I like to help others . 我喜好匡助別人.
A. What kind of personality do you have ? 你是什麼樣的性情呢?
B. Well 翻譯公司 I have a very competitive personality . 這嘛,我有一股不服輸的個性.
本文出自: http://blog.sina.com.tw/goodscott/article.php?entryid=599990有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯社