* I have a high-bridged nose . 我的鼻子很挺.
A. Your eyebrow shape is very beautiful . 你的眉型很美.
B. I have my eyebrows trimmed frequently . 我常常修眉毛.
~ 根基對話 ~
A. You have sharp eyes . 你 翻譯眼神很鋒利.
B. My eyes look like my mother's . 我的眼睛像媽媽.
~ 相幹問句 ~
A. Your eyes look typically thin and narrow . 你是典型 翻譯瞇瞇眼.
B. My eyes are thin and long . 我的眼睛細長.
* Do you have a problem with myopia ? 你有近視嗎?
* My eyes are black . 我的眼珠是黑色.
A. You have sexy lips . 你的嘴唇很性感.
B. My lips are thick . 我的嘴唇很厚.
* My eyelids are single-folded . 我是單眼皮.
A. Your eyes are very beautiful . 你 翻譯眼睛很標致.
B. Everyone says that my eyes are big . 大家都說我的眼睛很大.
* I have a distinct face . 我的輪廓很深.
(同: My facial features are distinct .)
* I have myopia . 我有近視.
A. Your dimples are very cute ! 你的酒窩很可愛!
B. My mouth is large . 我 翻譯嘴巴很大.
* Do you have double-folded eyelids ? 你是雙眼皮嗎?
以下內文出自: http://blog.sina.com.tw/goodscott/article.php?entryid=600263有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯社