

翻譯家庭英文介紹我的家庭 我的家庭英文介紹 上課要做一個簡單的家庭英文介紹我隨處摸索寫了一篇小介紹,但是不清晰句型可不行以所以麻煩列位高手給我一個指點,感謝Hello 翻譯公司everyone. My name is OO.大師好,我的名字是 OOToday,the topic of my family members.今天,主題是我的家庭成員There are six members in my family,including my parents、three elder borthers and me.我家有六個成員,包括我的怙恃、三個哥哥和我 翻譯社
參考資料: 我 翻譯家庭

My father's job is a electronic equipment boss and he is a caring father in OO elementary school.我爸爸 翻譯職業是一位電子器材行的老闆,而且他是一位在OO國小的愛心爸爸My mother's job is a house wife. She has good skill in cooking. On the weekends, She just sell longan in market.我媽媽的職業是一名家庭婦女。



My eldest broteher's job I not to be clear.我年老 翻譯職業我不是很清晰My second eldest brother's job is a big bike designer . By the way, he is very handsome.我二哥 翻譯職業是一位重型機車設計師。

另外,他還非常漂亮My third eldest brother's job is a Web-site designer in OO. He also is a tong ren cartoonist. He is very humorous and I like play games with him. 我三哥的職業是在OO的一名網頁設計師。


他非常的诙諧,並且我喜好跟他一路玩遊戲 翻譯社

I am a student in OOOOOO.我則是在OOOOO 翻譯一名學生I have a happy family and I love My family .我有一個歡欣的家庭然後我愛我的家庭Thank you for listening.感謝聆聽
Hello 翻譯公司everyone. My name is OO.這裡可以把hello改成good afternoon (午安) 或是good morning (晨安) 看情形而定接著可以省略本身的名字像是Good afternoon, teacher and student fellows (老師、列位同窗,午安)Today,the topic of my family members.今天,主題是我的家庭成員Today I’m going to introduce my family members.今天我要介紹的是我的家庭成員(不知道這個體例你感覺若何↑)對照接近你 翻譯說法的話可以用Today, the topic I’m going to talk about is “My family members”今天我要講 翻譯主題是”我 翻譯家人”There are six members in my family 翻譯公司including my parents、three elder borthers and me.我家有六個成員,包羅我的父母、三個哥哥和我。

這句我感覺不錯啊,獨一就是”brothers”拼錯罷了假如想要加字數建議可以到場名字E.g.There are six people in my family, including my parents, NAME; three elder brothers, NAME and me.My father's job is a electronic equipment boss and he is a caring father in OO elementary school.我爸爸的職業是一名電子器材行的老闆,而且他是一位在OO國小 翻譯愛心爸爸這句話聽起來不太順建議改成My father is the owner (Boss 比力不經常使用) of an electronic equipment company. ←這裡要句點,因為兩個句子沒有聯系關系 翻譯社

。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯

國小→ primary school愛心爸爸用caring father 不合適,因為caring father 聽起來有”關心每件事物 翻譯爸爸”之意這句可以改成He is also a volunteer (自願工作者) of OO primary school.My mother's job is a house wife. She has good skill in cooking. On the weekends 翻譯公司 she just sell longan in market.我媽媽的職業是一名家庭主婦 翻譯社



第一句沒什麼問題,第二句唸起來不大順口,可以改成Her cooking skill is wonderful. (若是要衝字數後面可以多诠釋一點 “媽媽的拿手蔡”)On the weekends, she also sells Longan in market.第三句裡面動詞第三人稱要加SMy eldest broteher's job I not to be clear.我年老的職業我不是很清晰假如前面有列出名字這時候就會派上用處For NAME, I don’t know what he does for his job.My second eldest brother's job is a big bike designer . By the way 翻譯公司 he is very handsome.我二哥的職業是一名重型機車設計師。

另外,他還非常漂亮不消一直提到”job”這個詞可以直接說My second eldest brother “NAME” is a Harleys designer. (哈雷機車設計師) 後面那句不需要改My third eldest brother's job is a Web-site designer in OO. He also is a tong ren cartoonist. He is very humorous and I like play games with him. 我三哥的職業是在OO 翻譯一名網頁設計師。


他特別很是 翻譯诙諧,並且我喜歡跟他一路玩遊戲 翻譯社

就跟上面一樣加個名字這幾句我感覺都不錯,非要改的話就是前面釀成…Web-site designer from OO company (從屬於OO公司的網頁設計師)最後面I like play games with him 可以說 I very enjoy playing games with him 都是一樣 翻譯意思 我只是感覺後面的唸起來順口 參考資料 在國外念書 翻譯自己
I am a student in OOOOOO.我則是在OOOOO的一名學生這句我是建議放在前面,介紹爸爸之前人人會想要先知道你是誰才會有樂趣更深入領會你 翻譯家庭 外國人都是抱著本身最大的觀念XDI have a happy family and I love My family .我有一個歡喜的家庭然後我愛我的家庭把那句移到前面後會發現這裡有點空,就是少了一個毗鄰詞可以把This is why (這就是為什麼) 加在 I have a happy family… 前面This is why I have a happy family…
Thank you for listening.感謝凝聽最後的句子都不錯^^
然後For NAME 翻譯公司 I don’t know what he does for his job.這句,若是不說出名字 翻譯話要怎麼說"我大哥的職業我其實不清晰"呢?> 那這裡可以用 i don't know my eldest brother's job>你指的是這類嗎? 假如是的話可以說是哈雷或直接說motocycle(這個網站是寫motocycle)
我感覺開首阿 "用 " I am going to talk you a story about _______ "______ 是你的標題問題ⱇ我覺得醬比力好 =]

家庭代工 翻譯公司家庭劇院,家庭暴力,家庭手工,家庭教师,單親家庭,家庭計畫 翻譯公司家庭教育,家庭醫學科,家庭婦女家庭,OO國小,Boss 翻譯公司網頁設計師,On the weekends 翻譯公司職業,設計師,英文,名字 翻譯公司good afternoon


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